Voormalige docenten
Voormalige reguliere docenten die les hebben gegeven in de lange historie van Cheek2Cheek. De dansschool voor Argentijnse Tango in Amersfoort!
Voormalige docenten van Cheek2cheek
Maral Kojayan
Known for her graceful yet electric accuracy, her active creativity and expressive presence. Maral teaches with Mariano at Cheek2Cheek the weekly lessons on wednesday, summercourses and private lessons.
Maral’s love for dance and her training began at a very young age in 1984. In 1997 she received an AS level qualifications in Dance Analysis and Choreography from Richmond College in London. In 2002 Maral had already founded the largest Armenian Dance group in London (with 70+ adult and child dancers).
A few years on, following the completion of her Masters as an Anthropologist and already with a solid background in many movement forms including contemporary, ballet, tap, Armenian dance, yoga and Alexander Technique, Maral’s passion for tango drew her to Buenos Aires.
Maral’s intensive investigation and particular attention to the connection, organic movement, technical precision and to the quality of movement has led her to teach and perform in many cities around the world including Buenos Aires (at DNI, Loca Milonga, Practica 8, Maldita Milonga, CITA), London, Paris, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Toronto and Montreal (Studio Tango and International Tango Nuevo Festival 2009 and 2010). She has worked with a number of new generation and internationally recognised talents and has taught at Tango Brujo, at DNI, el Esquinazo and has worked for ECUNHI (Espacio Cultural Nuestros Hijos) in Buenos Aires.
Based for 7 years in Buenos Aires, 6 years in London and now recently moved to Rotterdam, Maral & Mariano continue to run the very successful yet unpretentious Tango Garden whilst setting up their tango activities in The Netherlands…
Maral is trilingual and is currently learning Dutch as her 4th language.
In recent years, Maral & Mariano have trained celebrities for the TV show Dancing On Ice, and performed in prestigious venues such as the Royal Academy of Music, Bolivarian Hall, Dance Around The World Festival in London and many five star private functions. They have also appeared on the cover of UK’s Dance Today Magazine!! (click for article)
Joris Groenwegen
Joris is een sociale danser en danst al een kleine 20 jaar. Hij heeft een fijne, zachte vloeiende dynamische dansstijl en een groot enthousiasme voor zijn cursisten. Hij is altijd op de dansvloer te vinden en houdt ervan om naar marathons te gaan. In al die jaren heeft hij zich door vele docenten laten inspireren. Muziek is zijn basis, daarvandaan ontstaan zijn bewegingen.
Hij heeft jaren les gegeven in Studio Lizelot in Arnhem. Daarnaast geeft hij sinds 10 jaar samen met Karin de Sensual Sunday’s en is sinds 2013 vaste mededocent bij Cheek2Cheek. In 2016 hebben Karin en Joris besloten alle groepslessen samen te verzorgen.
Per januari 2018 is Joris naar Italie vertrokken en worden de wekelijkse lessen gegeven door Bart.
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Oude Fabriekstraat 20
3812 NR Amersfoort
+31 (0)6 51049470