La Roca Intensive presents:
Maja Petrović and Marko Miljević
16 – 18th June 2023
De Danswerkplaats
in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
For more info:
Cheek2Cheek cordially invites you to attend the La Roca Intensive with Maja Petrović and Marko Miljević in 2023.
Workshops and milonga’s in the weekend
Workshop 1 Phrasing and Pausing: 19.30 – 20.45
Level: Intermediate/advanced level
Workshop 2 Quebrada: 21.00 – 22.15 (+ time to practice until 00.00)
In this lesson we’ll show you one of our favourite figures which also comes in very handy at crowded milongas. Besides great circular energy you’ll also enjoy different starting and exiting steps, and embellishments.
Level: Advanced level
Price: 30 Euro pp per workshop, 2 workshops 50 Euro pp. Max 18 couples.
Saturday 20.00 – 02.00: La Roca DJ Santiago Onel (12 Euro)
Sunday June 19.00 – 23.00 (or a bit longer) Chill-out/Farewell milonga with show (21.30) by Maja and Marko. DJ Jonas Maria Joma (10 Euro)
Facebook event:
Masterclass weekend (by invitation only)
Saturday Workshops (3h.45 min):
13.30 – 14.45 Epic giro twist The topic of this lesson is an epic, dynamic and unexpected change of direction in giro. Learn to wield its power!
15.00 – 16.15 Embellishing milonga If you’re bored with regular milonga steps this is a workshop for you! we’ll share a few playful combinations of embellishments in close embrace which you’ll be able to further develop on your own.
16.45 – 18.00 Rebounds for all occasions This fun repetitive combination of small steps is exactly what you’ve been missing for that perfect interpretation. we’ll start with small rebounds and connect them into a playful sequence. This will create new challenges both for the leader and the follower.
Sunday Workshops (3h.45 min):
13.30 – 14.45 Quebrada reloaded Here we’ll take quebrada to another level for an instant and epic burst of energy. To make it even better, we’ll do all that in close embrace.
15.00 – 16.15 Leg wraps Leg wrap is fun element which can spice up your giros. We’ll teach you the necessary technique, placement and musicality to enjoy them to the fullest.
16.45 – 18.00 Fatal attraction Giro is an excellent setting for elastic forces resulting in exciting accelerations! In this lesson we’ll teach you how to use that elasticity and create an even more dynamic giro.
Level: Teachers and very talented experienced (20+Y) dancers. Max 15 couples.
Price: 170 Euro pp tax included. Invoice can be made. Includes 7,5 hours of teaching, drinks and snacks during workshops, 2 milonga’s: saturday La Roca and sunday Chill-out/Farewell party with show by Maja and Marko.
If you think you should be able to follow these masterclasses and didn’t receive an invitation, feel free to contact Karin Venverloo by e-mail or telephone.
La Roca Intensives are created to invite absolutely fantastic teachers to come to Amersfoort and mainly teach the teachers (masterclass weekend). Started in 2018 with Stephanie & Fausto and Maja & Marko and in 2019 Michelle & Joachim and again Stephanie & Fausto, Maja & Marko will be back in 2023.
Next to this masterclass weekend, some workshops are offered at different levels: Workshops for intermediate and very advanced dancers on friday evening.
Also part of this weekend is La Roca on saturday 17th (reservation required and max 120 dancers) and a Farewell party with the performance of Maja and Marko on sunday 18th.
Maja Petrović and Marko Miljević are are professional Argentine tango dancers and teachers.
Maja has been dancing since she was three years old. She has a background in contemporary dance and ballet, as well as latin and ballroom dances. She attended music school for ten years, where she played the piano and flute.
She studied Spanish and German language and literature at the University of Zagreb and worked as language teacher and translator. In Karlsruhe, she worked in different departments of the Center for Art and Media Technology (ZKM).
Marko was more into sports and almost went pro in basketball. Instead, he decided to study Electrotechnics and later Physics in which he obtained a degree at the University of Zagreb.
He later continued his education and in 2014 received his PhD in Nanobiotechnology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Since 2010 we live in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Maja and Marko started dancing tango in Zagreb, Croatia in 2002 in a small group of enthusiasts curious about this “new” dance.
Some five years later they began giving regular lessons at the Tango Argentino Zagreb dance school. Their first and most influential teachers were Pablo Rodríguez and Noelia Hurtado.
Later they continued to study with Noelia and Carlitos Espinoza. They also studied with Federico Naveira and Inés Muzzoppapa, Bruno Tombari and Mariangeles Caamaño and Chicho Frumboli and Juana Sepúlveda, among others.
In 2014 they started to work with tango professionally, holding workshops and performing all over Europe (Amsterdam, Minsk, Florence, Karlsruhe, Genova, Budapest, L´Aquila, Freiburg, Treviso, Poreč, Mantova, Halle, Sevilla, Lisbon, Procida, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Reykjavik etc.).
In 2015 they had their debut in North America at Bailongo Tango Festival in Montréal, Canada.
Now they travel over the whole world giving lessons and shows and they have an extremely popular online channel at Patreon with a huge amount of all kinds of lessons.
Tango performance by Maja Petrović and Marko Miljević, Negracha 2018
Vals performance, Tango Frostbite Helsinki, 2017
Milonga demonstration, Negracha 2018

Heeft u nog vragen? Kunnen wij u verder helpen? Neem dan contact met ons op.
Oude Fabriekstraat 20
3812 NR Amersfoort
+31 (0)6 51049470